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hAhB hChD hEhF hGhH hIhJ hKhL hMhN hOhP hQhR hShT hUhV hWhX hYhZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
TIGER BRAND hydro +lion 1
TMP hydro 1
g hydro PNEUMATIC 8, 12, 21
g hydro PNEUMATIC +tree 7
i&b hydro system's +oval 11
LT L&T hydrocarbon +oval 1
TECHMENS hydrocarbons 4
HYPIG hydroqutnone cream us 5
ONIDA hydroshield 7
MULTITECH hydrosystems 35
A.U. hydrus drinking water 32
VEEDOL hydway 46 4
VEEDOL hydway 57 4
VEEDOL hydway 68 4
GCI hyflex +lightning 9
MAHERWAL-hyflex 17
BD hyflow +circle 10
HEALTHY HOME your hygeine 5
AQUA BLUE best of hygenic 32
hygiene TIGER STRONG +tiger 5
CUTICURA hygiene plus 3, 5
DOCTOR'S hygiene +flowers 5
EQUINOX LABS hygiene qualit 16
HANDS & hygiene 5
HPC hygiene & personal care 3
L LEVER industrial hygiene 3
MOONS health & hygiene 28
OHM overall hygiene for men 3
PUDUMJEE hygiene products 3, 21
ROSHNI'S hygiene 16
SAIBA 2n babycare & hygiene 12
SANI POINT hygiene solution 5
TECHNO clean health hygiene 37
VASTRAATMA beauty hygiene 24
VENUS hygiene always caring 11
VIZ hygiene tm 3
hygienic +tree 6
HARPIC hygienic 3
MALAY PALM OLEIN hygienic 29
ONTEX hygienic disposables 35
REDIMA pure & hygienic +ova 31
birla DARPAN hygienic wax 3
new hygienic XZEN +ovals 3
AKG hylam 16
CITY hylam 17
white-hylam 17
hyleg comfry +flowers 5
RENDA hylic 4
HYCOUNT hylite 17
hyper GRIP +square 25
hyper OMEGA 19
HYCOUNT hyper 17
MART IN hyper market +bag 35
NOVINO hyper +oval 9
RUNNER hyper +oval 9
SPENCER'S hyper +circle 29, 30, 31, 39
STAR 555 hyper 9
GIANT hypermarket 35
GIANT hypermarket +oval 3, 21, 31
L LU LU hypermarket +arcs 8, 39, 41
RR family hypermarket +oval 35
STAR hypermarket 42
ESSAR steel hypermart 6
ANTEC hyperox 5
COOLUP +cross & hyphen 9
POWERPOINT +cross & hyphen 11
hypnotic POISON 3
MANKIT hypnotic bathware 11
EURO hypo 16
PRIME TRANS hypoallergenic 10
VIPROFIL +hypodermic needle 5
MJS ultra hyproof 1
BALMEROL hytec 4
BALMEROL hytec ep 4
hytek star automirror 12
i 11, 16, 25, 29, 30, 35, 42
i +arcs 9, 16
i +arrows 16
i +capsule 5
i +circle 6
i +circle & square 16
i +circle crown & wreath 25
i +foot 16
i +horses & bird 34
i +oval 1, 4, 5, 9, 13, 17, 20, 26, 27, 30, 31, 42
i +ovals 11, 16, 21
i +spiral 9
i +square 3, 5, 9
i +square & circle 35
i +stripes 19, 36, 37
i +triangle 35
i +triangle & stripes 9
i +triangles 25
i 2EYE INTERACTIVE +circle 35
i = ME2 innovation drives 35
i ABCHLOR investment adviso 42
i AMRITA infotech 16
i BACK +ovals 9
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